Global Healthcare Foundation (GHF) is a specialized no-profit agency that leads international efforts to bring healthcare accessible to everybody.
Every day, millions of people in the World have problems in accessing healthcare, and We as a Foundation think that this is no more acceptable. Health is a primary need for everyone, and should be effectively considered like that everywhere in the World.
The aim of our Foundation is to make a step into this direction, feeling that every big transformation starts little by little through small steps. Our efforts are directed towards different domains that concurr to the objective of improving global healthcare:
- Knowledge: GHF promotes the diffusion of trustworthy and high level scientific knowledge among healthcare professionals, as the basis to have a high standard healthcare to everyone.
- Awareness: GHF aims to disseminate information about the need for a better healthcare, no matter if in high-income or low-income Countries, to raise awareness about the problems that many people face while seeking for healthcare.
- Quality: while working to make healthcare accessible to everyone, We feel mandatory to not lower the quality of the services provided. GHF aims therefore to provide a standard for healthcare quality, that can be recognized by the patients as a guarantee.
- Charity: one of the cornerstones of our Mission, is to provide such high standard of Healthcare to those that cannot afford it. This is made possible by the efforts of the Foundation and of all the people – physicians, dentists, healthcare professionals, and all the laypeople that simpl wants to help – that contribute to this objective with their time or their skills.

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